Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shade Bulbs When Narcissis Bulbs Are Planted In Shade, Will They Bloom?

When narcissis bulbs are planted in shade, will they bloom? - shade bulbs

The short answer is yes.

The long answer is not so much. Daffodils and narcissus in the autumn, when we talk about all the energy and, yes, a flower in them already formed. Then they will flower the first year of insurance. What is the problem. All they need to store energy for next year to bloom, but with limited light and fertilizer to less and less the next year. If you grow in the shade, to think of them as one year. Give them a few years, then go and start over. When combined with slow release (such as bone meal), fertilizer and planted for a soluble fertilizer with water on the leaves after flowering (2-4 applications) performed, you may be able to extend his life. Nevertheless, not long last in a shady garden plot.

Hope this helps
Good luck --


cin_ann_... said...

They prefer sun but Rememeber the spring when they bloom when they are now in the shadows, because their leaves. Bloom next spring before the trees have leaves. Also, it would be nice.

Polyhist... said...

It is likely that the trees bloom before departure.

mysticid... said...

As a rule, as in the sun, so I do not do well in the shade.

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